In this RPG/Farming Sim fusion, the story develops as you farm and explore!.
When your Uncle dies unexpectedly, he leaves you his farm. However it is in terrible condition. With a small amount of starting money you must work and get the farm to a running state and not starve to death. Farm, buy, sell, cook, fish and enjoy a simple RPG Farm Simulation game. However, its more than a simulation, this is an RPG. What mysteries does this country town hold that involves the death of your uncle?
In this fusion of RPG and Farming Sim, you have to farm to eat and earn. However, the story develops as you improve the farm and explore. A Farm Tale is a game that has a storyline like an RPG, however, you have to use the standard Farm Simulation process to avoid starving to death and to earn money to complete story missions.
BETA WARNING: THIS GAME IS NOT DONE! THIS IS A BETA TEST! This app is still under development and the first stable release is expected for the end of 2017. As of now, it is released as beta in order to gain feedback, test compatibility and find bugs that were missed in development.
Features (beta specs):
- Farming Wheat
- Pet dog
- Character creation: boy or girl
- naming
- Save slots
- مقدمة
- المزرعة
- Feild
- حسنًا
- بلدة
- Fishing spots
- Hunger and Thirst System
- Basic Cooking
- Basic Shops
الميزات المخطط لها:
- Finish quest-line
Beta Codes, only for the beta test!. Redeem at the Mayor!
betacash for 500$
betafood for 5 lunches!
واحدة من أكثر المهام تجربة متعة في حدث Hunt Mega Edition المستمر هو واحد داخل مدرسة Bayside الثانوية. السبب الرئيسي لذلك هو
لعبة العلامات التي لا تحمل عنوانها هي واحدة من تجارب Roblox القليلة التي تشكل جزءًا من حدث The Hunt Mega Edition لعام 2025. هذا يعني أن هناك تحديًا أنت
Korblox Deathwalker هو جوز صعب للكسر.
هناك رمز ميجا؟!
Car Crushers 2 هو جزء من حدث Roblox Mega Hunt والإكمال أمر صعب. لمساعدتك في ذلك ، يحتوي هذا الدليل على كل الأهداف وكيفية
الصيد في Spongebob TD!
يمكنك بسهولة تنزيل الإصدار الأحدث من A Farm Tale! على موقعنا الإلكتروني. لا حاجة للتسجيل أو إرسال رسائل نصية قصيرة!