Secure Shell server with fine grained sessions control and battery saving design
This provides an ad-free environment with session activity monitor, user login history, access control lists, multiple-user support, and more.
DigiControl is required to supervise the DigiSSHD component.
Using encryption and security protocols, DigiSSHD delivers all of the server-side functionality you need to give authorized users protected access to your device files and other data, including:
- Security Shell: remote shell service or command execution
- Security Copy: transfer files between Android and remote client
- Security FTP: transfer files between Android and remote client
With a battery saving design, there is no need for task killer.
It is based on open source software:
- Dropbear server v2012.55 that is using in Shell and SCP and available under MIT license
- OpenSSH server v5.9p1 that is using in SFTP and available under BSD license
مرحباً بك! Your help with translation and new ideas are very appreciated.
رمز المصدر:
If you don't want to submit bug reports, set the debug level to “OFF” in DigiSSHD preferences.
It is alpha stage software written in Scala language. Scala on Android خارج عن الاتجاه السائد ، لذا خذ الأمر بسهولة.
The core part of the source code is available at GitHub under GPLv3 license; another one is available as DigiLib library under Apache 2.0 license.
لمعلوماتك: هناك الكثير من المواضيع ومئات الأماكن مع مؤقت مراقبة وآلاف الأماكن مع منطق الاسترداد. أيضا ، واجهة المستخدم وخدمة الخلفية هي عمليات مستقلة.
- If the application freezes, the longest watchdog timeout is about 5 minutes; أقصر مهلة مراقبة هي ثانية واحدة. معظمهم ليسوا أكثر من 20 ثانية. انتظر ، وبعد أن تتجمد ، قم بتحميل تقرير إلينا.
- If the application blocks something or show something unexpected, upload a report to us, then rotate you device. بعد تدوير الجهاز ، سيكون هناك إعادة تهيئة.
- إذا كان هناك شيء ما ينفجر ، فإنه ينفجر مع آثار المكدس ، أه ، SSSSSMMMOKIE! Restart the application after crash, and upload a report to us.
You may upload reports via the option menu. The report dialog will be appear automatically if there is a stack trace.
If you have an idea how to improve DigiSSHD or wish to change something, please submit your idea via GitHub tracker. يرجى تقديم المشكلات الفنية أيضًا.
Please install DigiControl and DigiSSHD simultaneously. These are the two parts of the single application.
Default user: android
Default port: 2222
Default password: 123
There is already software like this on the market: QuickSSHD, SSHDroid, or DropBear SSH Server. But there is always room for more.
Most unique features:
- Additional security. There is a per session control. You may control how many sessions are connected, their source address, and their duration. There are white lists/black lists or manual connection control.
- Flexible network listener rules. You may set it to listen only to wifi or only a specific wifi network (home, work, etc.).
- Independence of components. User interfaces are independent from service processes.
- Kernel friendly. The core service is INETD server based on Linux epoll, which is the best readiness notification facility in Linux.
It works flawlessly with rsync, WinSCP, PuTTY, Nautilus, Dolphin, Cyberduck, and most other ssh clients.
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