The greatest flight simulation game on Google Play
In the hell fire environment of the Jurassic era, the brave knight riding the dragon and fighting against other dragons. Dragon is blowing fire to turn other monsters into ashes. An arcade style game of on the Play Store.
Dragon Rider Flight Simulation is an adventure game in which you are playing the role of a knight riding the Jurassic gigantic monster. Collect checkpoints on the way and go ahead to complete other missions and become the greatest knight Rider of all time. The addictive game play of Dragon Rider Flight Simulation gives you a chance to be a brave knight to fly in a hell fire and collect check points and have the experience of the adventure. Be a brave rider and enjoy this adventurous flight simulation game. Feel like real and have fun! Download, rate and give your review!
Dragon Rider Flight Simulation gives you:
- Tilt controls to fly
- Realistic flying Simulation
- Brilliant Graphics and environment
- Gamers favorite view
- مؤثرات صوتية مذهلة
- Addictive sound track
- User friendly GUI and controls
كيف تلعب:
- Tilt your device to control the Jurassic Red Dragon
- Swipe up or down going in that direction to avoid deadly obstacles.
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