Strategy game inspired by World War 2.
Duty Wars is a turn by turn strategy game inspired by World War 2 and Advance Wars series. In this game you build and command units on tiled map. The aim of each army is to capture the capital of the other or to defeat all its units.
There is two game mode in Duty Wars : a campaign mode and a versus mode.
• The campaign mode contains 3 different campaigns. In the first one, you take control of the USA Army's and face against the German threat in Europe. You fight on the western front through 5 varied missions inspired by real events like the Normandy landing and the liberation of Paris. The second one take you the eastern front with the USSR army's under command. This one will make you live famous battle like Stalingrad or Koursk. أخيرًا ، يجلبك الثالث مرة أخرى على رأس جيش الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية في حرب المحيط الهادئ ضد الإمبراطورية اليابانية من خلال معركة شهيرة مثل بيرل هاربور أو إيو جيما. Note that finish one of these missions will make the linked map playable in versus mode.
• The versus mode is a mode in which you can challenge your friend or my AI. Choose one of the 30 available maps, choose your army and let the war begin !
Duty Wars contains 13 different units common to each army ...
• Ground units : Infantry, Bazooka, Jeep, Truck, Tank, Artillery and Half-Track.
• Naval units : Lander, Destroyer and Battleship.
• Flying units : Transporter, Fighter and Bomber.
... and each army has 1 special units.
• USA : Mustang fighter.
• Germany : Side-car
• URSS : Katioucha missile launcher.
• Japan : Chi-Ha tank.
سمات :
- A campaign mode with 3 wars of 5 missions.
- A versus mode.
- 30 available maps.
- 4 playable armies (USA, Germany, USSR and Japan).
- 17 different units.
- Automatic save of your current game.
- 4 players maps available.
- Available in English and French.
قريباً :
- More units.
- المزيد من الخرائط.
- Harder IA.
If you like this game, please rate it ★★★★★ :)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dutywars/
Credits :
- Dr. Phileas Fragg
- Kenisi from DeviantArt
- smojoe2k5 from DevianArt
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