أنت الصياد ، أنت مطاردة. "Trust no one"
Game overview:
Level one: League of Assassins “Trade craft”
Level two: League of Assassins "Fire storm"
" League of Assassins " Level one Game overview.
RPG, Multiplayer, via Internet on your mobile devices.
" League of Assassins " for groups of 4 or more via their wireless internet connection.
Played in real time and in the real world environment, you are the hunter and you are the hunted. "Trust no one"
To start game:
1. Sign up with either google or via fb connect.
2. Ensure GPS on your device is switched on.
Targets within a 2 mile radius show on your tracker map via your mobile device.
لاختيار الهدف الخاص بك ، انقر فوق دبوس دبوس على الخريطة وعرض ملف التعريف الهدف الذي سيتضمن اسم المستخدم وحالتهم الصحية وعدد القتل.
Live targets are either within a wound only radius of 1 to 2 miles or the kill zone of 1mile and under.
يسمح جرحى هدفك بمواصلة لعبتهم مع الحفاظ على درجة القتل الخاصة بهم ، في حالة حصول اللاعب على 5 جروح ، فإن الأخير قاتل ويتم نقل إجمالي عمليات القتل إلى اللاعب الذي أخرجهم.
Health is reuced by 20% with each wounding shot and current health status is shown on screen.
Taking the kill shot at 1 mile or less, the kills already made by your target are transfered to your own kill score.
Assassinated target score is reset to zero, their health is restored to 100% and they continue their game.
League of Assassins has been designed to be played anywhere you have internet access so even if you are sitting in traffic, in a cafe or out with friends you are either the hunter or the hunted. “Trust no one”
League of Assassins level two "Firestorm"
Congratulations you have completed your training, made 100 kills and learned your trade craft.
You will now continue your mission with the following.
Choice of weapons: Sniper rifle, Plasma grenade or plastic explosive.
Select sniper rifle for single kill shot upto 1 mile and wounding shots up to 2 miles.
Select plasma grenade to kill all targets within a 10metre radius. The assassin claims the combined kills tally of all those killed in this attack.
Select plastic explosive to kill all targets within a 10metre radius and wound all players between 10m and 50metre radius. The assassin claims the combined kills tally of all those killed in this attack.
Good luck assasssin and remember "trust no one"
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يتميز ParanorMasight بمجموعة ملونة من الشخصيات ، وقد حان الوقت للحديث عن جميع إيجابياتهم وسلبياتهم في عالم المواعدة.
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