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Is your room filled with items you never used or no longer need? sell it makes it easy to sell your pre-loved items, letting you clean your closet and make some extra cash at the same time!
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Browse local items for sale with thousands of new postings daily. There's no need to go to a garage sale when you can use sell it .
sell it is a friendly and family-oriented community of local buyers and sellers. Start by posting an item or viewing what people are already selling in your neighborhood!
Sell anything you want! Just take a picture and post it on sell it . It's instantly available to buyers in your local area. Are you selling vintage stuff? هذا هو التطبيق لك!
sell it is your local flea market in your pocket. Get in touch directly with the seller through chat. Are you looking for second hand products? sell it is your classifieds app!
Message buyers and sellers safely from within the app. sell it enables you to chat with sellers directly inside the app. No more annoying emails or phone calls. إذا كنت تحب شيئًا - ابدأ في الدردشة الآن!
لا متاعب ، لا الصداع ، بسيط.
وهو مجاني تمامًا.
Why buy & sell with sell it ?
• IT'S SAFE: Sellers' posts are MANUALLY reviewed and approved before going live.
• IT'S EASY: Post items for sale in under 20 seconds. Take a photo, add a title, description and price, and instantly everyone around you will find your local listing.
• IT'S FUN if you're an explorer: Create a buyer watch list, share items you want to buy or sell with friends. sell it is perfect for buying gifts or getting inspiration.
• IT'S CHEAP if you're a buyer: Buy items at massive discounts and shop the best offerings in the sell it local classifieds.
• IT'S BEAUTIFUL: Browse the app and you'll understand what all the fuzz is about.
• IT'S FREE: Free to view, post, chat and transact. No more percentages, commission or transaction fees for your classifieds.
Browse, search, or be surprised! sell it إنه سوق يعتمد على الموقع-إذا كنت ترغب في معرفة ما يبيعه الآخرون ، sell it يجلب لك أفضل العناصر التي تباع في منطقتك ، وفي دائرتك الاجتماعية.
قم بتنزيل " sell it " واكتشف على الفور عناصر جميلة من الأصدقاء والجيران من حولك - مرتبة حسب المسافة أو السعر أو إحدى فئاتك المفضلة: Baby & Kids ، و Cars & Motors ، و Massion and Association ، و Electronics & Cell Home ، و Home & Garden ، و Sport & Outdoors.
Don't forget, SHARING IS CARING!
Hurry, your next item to buy is waiting for you on sell it !
We just don't share information with ANYONE.
We are fully transparent with our fast growing and trustworthy community. If you have any comments, feedback or questions, you can always reach us at [email protected].
Thanks for using sell it ! Please keep the feedback coming! Your feedback is much appreciated and it helps improve our application and user experience. Contact us using the "Feedback" option in My Account - Settings or by email [email protected]
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