[Design myself with my own style]
[Design myself with my own style]
It has been updated to version 1.4.3 of the current by modifying the errors found so far.
★Your Best Ever Photo Editing Application☆
You can create images with pretty BG images and stickers
- Famous Stars, Characters, and Fabulous design contents.
☆Star Stickers and BG images ★
Enjoy your favorite stars. لماذا؟ Because it's the STAR PHOTO EDITOR!!!
Prove your enthusiasm to star with your own image!!
★Cutie pie Character☆
Cute Pig-Rabbit, Molang, Charming Character 'I Love Egg'
Enjoy various popular characters in Star Photo Editor for Android
☆Simple Design / Easy to control stickers/ Share / Special Contents★
- Simple and minimal design according to style of 2013/2014
- Sticker - Priority, Size, rotate control
- Share to your friends!!
- With the Star – Special Contents!!
[Star Photo Editor main functions]
1. Edit: Create images you want.
- Profile image (Kakao Talk, Line, Facebook, ChatON, Kakao Story, etc)
- Cover image (Facebook)
- Wide wallpaper (1280(h) x 1600(w) px)
- Narrow wallpaper (1280(h) x 800(w) px)
- Free size: Enter the size whatever you want to create.
2. My Box: Manage my created images and downloaded contents
3. Star Photo Editor Shop
- You can download various contents(K pop Star, Character, Illustration, Special sticker, etc) in Star photo Editor Shop.
☆ If you review to us with 5 stars, we can do better.★
If you want to know about more..
★ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Starphotoeditor ☆
Version 1.4.3
- Optimization for Android OS 4.4 (Kitkat)
- Using saved images in My box by importing other apps
- Fix an edit coordinates error
- Fix minor error
الإصدار 1.4.2
- Fix minor error
الإصدار 1.4
- Editor: Fix an error after image cropping
- تحسين
الإصدار 1.3
- Fixed a bug in the menu Quick menu is selected even when the quick menu is hidden
- Shop banner, detail image ratio adjustment.
Warhammer 40K: لدى Space Marine 2 خادم اختبار عام للاعبين لتجربة المحتوى في التطوير. إليك كيفية الوصول إليها.
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قم بتجنيد شخصياتك المفضلة وترقيةها إلى الحد الأقصى بمساعدة أحدث لا يقهر: حراسة رموز العالم.
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يمكنك بسهولة تنزيل الإصدار الأحدث من Star Photo Editor for Android! على موقعنا الإلكتروني. لا حاجة للتسجيل أو إرسال رسائل نصية قصيرة!