الشروع في السعي في هذا الفرس الخامل! Grind away until your fingers are numb!
★ #1 Paid RPG in Finland ★
★ 91/100 - The Smartphone App Review ★
★ 5/5 - Android Apps Review ★
★ 5/5 - Tech Touch ★
★ 4.5/5 - FanAppic ★
★ 4/5 - Android Headlines ★
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Tap Heroes is a unique clicker idle game with puppet graphics where you play active or passive idle. Build your party and go out slaying enemies actively or let your heroes idle grind for you while you slack. Gather loot to improve and progress through the game.
Embark on an epic journey through the lands to grow ever stronger, grind, gather loot and slay your enemies.
Tap your way through forests, deserts, caves, jungles, swamps and more as you grow ever more powerful and face tougher opponents and creatures.
Defeat bosses to travel to new areas and recruit new heroes to join your adventure.
Your mighty warrior can attack enemies at a rapid speed and still stand to shield the group from harm.
Your healing mage will use healing magic to heal your wounds.
Your skilled rogue will shoot poisonous arrows that damage your enemies over time and slow arrows to hinder their advance.
Tap with your godly powers to hurt your enemies and heal your heroes. Or unleash your wrath on your enemies with awesome powers while blessing your heroes with helpful buffs.
Spend the gold and other loot you gather on your journey to upgrade your heroes and gain new abilities to overcome the adventure ahead. حظ سعيد!
✔ Over 70 different enemies and bosses
✔ 10 different worlds to discover
✔ A Distinct group of heroes with different abilities
✔ Interesting powers to unleash on your enemies
✔ Mix of RPG and clicker grind elements with tons of skills to upgrade
✔ Either play actively or just idle by watching your heroes do the job for you
✔ Achievements to unlock
✔ Ridiculous amounts of loot
✔ Possibly infinite gameplay
✔ Puppet stage graphics with cute puppet heroes!
※ This Free version includes ads.
※ If you'd like to play the game without ads and with a bonus character unlocked from the start, please buy the premium version of Tap Heroes.
- إذا كنت تواجه مشكلة في رؤية المعلومات حول أزرار وعناصر مختلفة في اللعبة ، فحاول الضغط لأسفل مع الإصبع على الشاشة ، ثم دون رفع الإصبع ، قم بتزويد الإصبع عبر الأزرار التي تريد عرض المعلومات عنها.
- The unique dragons can be very tough, you might need to go back to a previous area to get stronger before facing them.
- To have the chance to spawn a chest you need to press on and fight at your current maximum area.
- Later in the game you will unlock the Altar - You can use the altar to upgrade any stats with 1 Gem instead of using gold. Remember that the altar can also be used to instantly cool down your Godly Powers to be used again.
- After you defeat the first unique dragon you will unlock the auto-forward feature. It can be found to the left of your healthbar
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Developer Website: www.varagtp.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/VaragtP
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/VaragtP/162171073843070?fref=ts
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