Epic Adventures Awaits You!
What would you do with a crafted pick axe, an axe, and a weapon in Super Cartoon Adventures?
Gather materials, craft, fight, and become the world's best Super Cartoon Adventurer!
Craft your cartoon hero from a noob to a legendary warrior who will lead others into battle!
In Super Cartoon Adventures, you will need crafting skills, gathering skills, fighting skills, adventuring skills and a bit of charm.
Adventure solo, or survive together with friends online or with other Super Cartoon Adventures in the network.
Hatch cartoon monsters and take them as pets in your travels! So much cartoon to discover and craft!
- multiplayer with with other cartoon survivors on the cartoon network
- cartoon characters with lots of items to discover
- explore different maps with all sorts of awaiting danger
The game is meant to be hard. You will need to figure a lot of things out but there are QUESTS that provides rewards that teaches you mechanics of the game.
#1 - Complete book of survival quest
#2 - Complete Miffie's quest
#3 - Complete Green's quest
Chest Tips:
Silver Chest - Most items, loot chance base on item rarity
Golden Chest - Most equipment and cards, loot chance base on item rarity
Master Chest - Most equipment and cards, equal loot chance
Combination Tips:
Combining different items together can create a whole new item. If there is a recipe, you will see the product item. If there is nothing to be made, it will say "Unknown". Every recipe will have a success combination rate. To increase the rate of success, you can add a scroll of combination (+35%) or combine from the Combination Books (+50%).
New recipes will be added to Combination Books from time to time.
Remember to quit / leave game with the in game buttons to properly save your items.
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