this application is a vegetable quiz game
play this Guess the vegetable game on your phone to spend your holiday. Erraten Sie das Bild -Quiz von unserer Store -Seite. Sie können auch ein anderes Trivia -Ratenspiel bekommen, falls Ihnen dieses Spiel nicht wirklich gefällt.
Wir haben eine Erraten von Wort aus der Bild -App für Sie. Vergessen Sie nicht, wir hatten eine riesige Spielsammlung für Ihr Telefon. Testen Sie Ihr Wissen über Kräuter auf der ganzen Welt auf Ihre Fähigkeiten als Pflanzenliebhaber. enjoy your time playing this guess the answer game during your holiday.
all vegetables give healthful vitamins and fiber, but some stand out for their benefits. specific vegetables may offer more health advantages to certain people, depending on their overall health and nutritional needs. while you enjoy your favorite vegetable at home, consider to get this tasty vegetarian app on your phone now. Bitte genießen Sie dieses Obst- und Gemüse -Quizspiel.
people enjoy spinach in salads and sandwiches. cooked spinach also has significant health benefits and is a great addition to pasta and soups. consider to follow green lifestyle in your everyday life. so play this vegan food games as soon as possible.
kale is a very popular leafy green vegetable with several health benefits. it provides around 7 calories. people use kale in pasta dishes, salads and sandwiches. a person may also enjoy kale chips. indeed a very amazing plant quiz games.
broccoli is an incredibly healthful vegetable that belongs to the same family as cabbage, and cauliflower. broccoli is versatile, people can steam it or fry it and blend it into soups or enjoy it in salads. fill your time with this herb identifier app right now.
green peas are a good source of plant-based protein, which may be especially beneficial for people with vegan lifestyle. it might be good idea to start a beautiful gardens in your home now to plant peas. a person might also enjoy a refreshing pea and mint soup. say no more to boring time with this vegetable learning games now.
although tomatoes are technically a fruit, most people treat them like vegetables and use them in savory dishes. people enjoy tomatoes raw or cooked, and cooking them releases more lycopene. as a fruit lover you should play this vegetation identifier app as soon as possible.
people have long used garlic in cooking and medicine. each garlic clove give just 4 calories. heating garlic reduces its health benefits, so try to eat garlic uncooked, in bruschetta. what are you waiting for, get this guess the plant app now.
bell peppers may be colorful. green bell peppers are also popular, though they taste less sweet. they are versatile and can be easy to incorporate into pasta, scrambled eggs or a salad. a person might also enjoy them sliced with a side of guacamole. relax and enjoy this plant learning app now.
eating vegetables every day is important for health. they have essential vitamins and minerals, and other nutrients, such as antioxidants and fiber. Teilen Sie Ihren Freund und bitten Sie Ihren Freund, dieses Trivia -Quiz das Bild jetzt zu erraten.
- this app is plant offline games.
- Ratet der Antwort mit dem Bild.
- Mehr als 20 Stufen mit über 300 Fragen.
- 300 vegetable name with picture.
- Unterstützen Sie sowohl Porträt- als auch Landschaftsmodus.
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