Oh Hölle! is the world's most popular fast and fun variation of Contract Whist!
Oh Hölle! ist eine der beliebtesten Kartenspiele im Whist-Stil der Welt, auch als Vertragsfeuchtigkeit bekannt, na ja!, Deutsche Brücke, Blackout oder auf und ab am Fluss. It is a fun, fast-paced game for card players of all skill levels.
Free to play. Track your stats and play against smart AIs. Download Oh Hell! now for your smartphone or tablet!
Oh Hölle! is a fast and fun card game for all levels of players! Looking for a challenging game? Switch to hard mode and take on Coppercod's AI with perfect memory. Test your brain while you play!
Track your all time and session stats to see how you improve!
To win Oh Hell! you must score more points than your opponents. Points are scored by winning tricks, and by correctly predicting how many tricks you will win each round. The winner is the player with the highest points after a fixed number of rounds. There can be more than one winner.
Play standard rules, with options to make Oh Hell! the perfect card game for you:
● Choose between 3 and 7 players
● Set the 'Screw the Dealer' rule on or off
● Set the 'Nil Bid Worth 5' rule on or off
● Set the Trump suit to Alternate, Next Card or No Trumps
● Choose between four types of game: Up, Down, Up and Down or Down and Up
● Choose between easy, medium or hard mode
● Replay the round from either the bid or the play
● Review the previous hands in the round
● Choose normal or fast play
● Turn single click play on or off
You can also customise your color themes and card decks to choose from to keep the landscape interesting!
Quickfire Rules
Oh Hölle! follows the rules of standard trick-taking card games. A card is beaten either by a higher card of the same suit, or any trump card. Once a card is played, other players must play a card from the same suit. If they do not hold any cards from this suit, they may choose to Trump, playing any
trump card to win, or to Throw Away, playing any non-trump card to lose the trick.
Jeder Trick erzielt einen Punkt und korrekt vorausgesagt, wie viele Tricks Sie in der Bieterphase gewinnen werden, zahlt 10 Punkte pro Runde oder 5, wenn Sie 0 geboten haben, und das NIL -Gebot im Wert von 5 "wird eingeschaltet.
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