This is the best and most realistic 3D shuffle board game on the Android phones.
This is the best and most realistic 3D shuffle board game on the Android phones. It is the only shuffle board game that fully embraces the incredible 3D physics engine and effects.
Be the world's best player in 3D shuffleboard game.
The touch screen will bring you to the real shuffle board in the bar.
Perfect physicial performance,tempt you to the game.
You just need one agile finger,and your wit.
Flexible use of your strategy, skills, and of course, a little bit of luck
Come to challenge!
Merkmale des Spiels:
*Amazing new 3D graphics.
*Actual physical performance.
*Single and double battle mode.
*Lots of fun and excitement of the game recall the actual scene of shuffle board.
*Multi-Option modes to adjust the game.
Wie man spielt
*Choose single or two players game mode to play with your friends or challenge with the computer.
*Enter the game ,one in blue puck and the other in red puck,4 pucks for each side.
*Once kick the puck into the point-area,yes,scoring. Then the other side must score higher or knock the competitor's puck off the board.
*After finishing all pucks,the one with the higher scores win the points. The game end with either side's points over the win points.
In each match each player slides 4 pucks alternatively.Try to push your pucks to the farthest place and ahead of the competition.
At the end of each round, the player with the puck closest to the far end of the table wins the round.
As long as you score accumulated more than Match Point(15) ,you'r e the winner.
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