viLinked - TEXT, TALK, and TRANSFER between viLinked -users worldwide for free.
viLinked is an instant messenger that allows you to connect with any other viLinked -user worldwide for free.
viLinked provides you FREE TEXTS MESSAGES, FREE CALLS (Voice and Video) with any kind of attachment (video, photo, audio, location) to other viLinked users.
viLinked allows you to top-up prepaid mobile phones worldwide by transferring funds from your account for FREE.
If you want to call a non- viLinked user, not a problem. With viLinked you can call any number in the world at very competitive viLinked -rates.
viLinked is a must-have app with an intuitive interface.
- Join viLinked for FREE by downloading the viLinked App (also FREE)
- Make free calls (voice and video) and send free text messages (chat) to other viLinked users
- Enviar archivos adjuntos en el chat: videos cortos, grabación de audio, imágenes, ubicaciones GPS y archivos pequeños
- Enviar emoticones divertidos
- Llamar a la espera - Tener dos conversaciones separadas al mismo tiempo
- Enviar mensajes de texto con confirmación de entrega
- correo de voz
- Find friends with viLinked ID and e-mail
- Buy viLinked -numbers – this works like standard local numbers, which allow anyone worldwide to call you using their mobile or landline phone. Elija entre nuestra lista de países disponibles.
- International texting (outside viLinked network) at low rates
- Buy a plan and save up to 50% on calls outside the viLinked network
- Versión de la aplicación en idiomas alemanes, polacos, italianos, españoles y rusos.
Ofertas especiales:
- Invite your friends to use viLinked and get a $0.20 call credit for each accepted and confirmed invitation (a limited time offer)
- Buy viLinked -numbers.
- Buy plans - you can save up to 50% on calls outside the viLinked network.
All you need is the viLinked app (free download) and an internet connection (3G/4G/WiFi) on your smartphone. Trabaja mejor con wifi.
Be part of the viLinked community:
https://www.facebook.com/vilinked?fref=ts - Me gusta nosotros
https://twitter.com/vilinked - Síguenos
https://www.linkedin.com/company/vilinked - Síguenos
https://plus.google.com/114651536306470118002/posts - Agréganos a su círculo
¿Quieres saber más? www.vilinked.com
What's new in viLinked 2.2.12:
- Bugs y correcciones de estabilidad.
¡Siempre estamos emocionados de saber de ti! If you have any feedback, questions or concerns, please email us at support@ viLinked .com or visit https://support.viLinked.com. Podemos ayudarte.
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