All India High Court Judgment s
All India High Court Judgment S De l'année 1991, total 1,47 575 jugements disponibles (en mots - un lakh Quatrey Sept mille cinq cent soixante-quinze seulement, les 22 dernières années avec des mises à jour gratuites à l'avenir)
We have judgments from below High Courts
Allahabad (8,109 Judgments)
Andhra (9,961 Judgments)
Bombay (8,583 Judgments)
Chattisgarh (2,307 Judgments)
Madras (10,970 Judgments)
Delhi (11,018 Judgments)
Gauhati (4,438 Judgments)
Gujarat (10,174 Judgments)
Himachal Pradesh (1,641 Judgments)
Jammu (3,112 Judgments)
Jharkhand (1,022 Judgments)
Jodhpur (2,500 Judgments)
Karnataka (6,759 Judgments)
Kerala ( 8,903 Judgments)
Calcutta (22,833 Judgments)
Madhya Pradesh (5,164 Judgments)
Orissa (4,118 Judgments)
Patna (3,972 Judgments)
Punjab Haryana (11,025 Judgments)
Rajasthan (5,645 Judgments)
Sikkim (125 Judgments)
Uttaranchal (896 Judgments)
Patna (Orders) (2,180 Judgments)
Jodhpur (2,500 Judgments)
Kolkata(Appelite side) (1,932 Judgments)
Allahabad (Lucknow Bench) (188 Judgments)
No Ads and no hidden costs apart from the app purchase cost
It will show following information
1) Date of Judgment
2) Petitioner
3) Respondent
4) Citation
5) Complete Judgment Detail
6) Bench
This application helps to search and view All India High Court Judgment s details from year 1991, we update our servers periodically.
Please find the attached screenshot for more details on how to browse the app.
Also, kindly don't hesitate to email on my mentioned email id for any kind of help.
As Database is very heavy, It was not able to make the offline application without using internet and server to send and receive the data. however if there is a delay or no response, application will show the alert accordingly.
Veuillez nous tenir avec nous au cas où vous trouverez un problème et que vous nous rendez compte sur l'ID de messagerie électronique d'assistance donné, la capture d'écran aidera à comprendre correctement le problème.
1) User can search for for any one year (Optional), he can see the judgments for all year in once glance also
3) User can search for any one month also (Optional)
4) User can search in recent or older order
5) User can reset the search
6) User can search by the section also for ex. 498A, 302, 420 , 320 etc.
Thanks for understanding and happy Browsing !!!!!
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