A conversational, fully interactive 3D talking and answering animated friend!
Back Talk is a conversational, fully interactive 3D talking animated friend that carries on a full conversation with you talking and answering! Rempli d'animations hilarantes, de centaines d'effets sonores, 1 + milliards de faits, des centaines de blagues, des anecdotes et des effets d'enregistrement / lecture avancés, vous êtes assuré d'être diverti! It's like Talking Tom Cat on steroids!
★★ Installs to SD Card ★★
★ 9 Ways to Have Fun ! ★
1) Talk / speak / text and ask Izar questions (carry on full conversations) and hear his fully adjustable funny voice talk back to you! Izar can answer ANY question you ask with over 1 Billion facts and pictures about everything!
2) Interact with Izar (touch, squeeze, swipe, hit, poke, punch, twirl, shake)!
3) Record and play your voice & music BACKWARDS & send the clips to your friends!
4) Record and play your funny voice with full pitch and voice changer morphing adjustments.
5) Sing & record with full pitch correction adjustments (autotune effect!)
6) Sing & record a duet with Izar in full harmony!
7) Visit Izar's photo album to view exotic destinations from his travels!
8) Take a picture, add Izar to the photo, then share it on Facebook!
9) Watch Izar dance to your favorite song in your playlist (full version only).
This free version of Back Talk has been released with less functionality than the full version and with ads displaying on many screens. Try the free, then buy the full version!
1. Talk to Izar
Parler / parler / text / sass izar comme vous le feriez pour un ami et il répondra intelligemment, vous posez des questions, vous aidera avec vos devoirs, vous ditz Blonde, Chuck Norris, Yo Mama Blagues, Trivia, etc. Izar comprend littéralement tout ce que vous dites et répond intelligemment. Ask Izar ANY question to get an answer from over 1 Billion accumulated facts. Unlike the chat bot (chatbot) of yesterday, Izar intelligently learns and grows smarter the more you and other Earthlings talk to him. You control Izar's voice from a squeaky chipmunk to a scary monster. Turn off the universal translator to hear Izar speak in his own language.
2. Interact with Izar
Izar is fully animated and reacts to every touch and gesture imaginable with hundreds of different sound effects. Vous pouvez piquer, pincer, claquer, lancer, tourbillon, toucher, secouer, décompresser, activer la gravité, etc., mais soyez prudent: si vous mettez Izar trop en colère, il simulera votre écran ou vous zappera avec son pistolet à impulsions ion! Be careful about squishing Izar down as he lets out a dozen funny different alien gassers!
3. Backwards Recording & Playback
Turn on Reverse Audio Recording and then record yourself talking or singing. Your recording will be played backwards. Send your friend a backwards recording to see if they can figure it out. Record your favorite songs and then play them backwards to listen for secret subliminal messages.
4. Voice Changer
30+ sound presets to morph your voice recording from squeaky high to monster low.
5. Recording Pitch Correction
Select one of the pitch correction presets and record yourself singing. Your playback will have an auto tune effect applied, just like T-Pain! Divers paramètres de correction vous permettent d'affiner la clé, de la force de l'effet, de la force de tirer sur une hauteur spécifique, de la façon dont les transitions de note sont lisses, etc.
6. Duet Mode
Select one of the Mix mode settings and then record yourself singing or talking. When played back, Izar will harmonize a duet with you. Hear your recordings played back with a chorus effect.
7. Dance Mode
Select the Dance Loop option and then touch Izar's left foot to activate dance mode. Izar will randomly select and play a song from your music library each time you press his left foot. Izar will analyze the song and will synchronize his dance moves to the song's rhythm.
8) Visit Izar's photo album to explore exotic worlds from Izar's travels!
9) Take a picture, add Izar to the photo, then share it on Facebook!
✔ Add: ASK text feature (over 1 Billion Facts!)
✔ Add: ASK picture feature (over 1 Billion Pictures!)
✔ Add: Truth or Dare game
★Press the SET button to change any option★
Previous Versions:
✔ Add: Take a picture with Izar feature (PICS button)
✔ Add: Izar's photo album (PICS button)
✔ Add: Graphics/sounds now save to SD card
✔ Add: Text to Izar interface
✔ Add: Speech Bubble notifications
✔ Improved tablet support
✔ Additional device compatibility
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Sur notre site Web, vous pouvez facilement télécharger la dernière version de Back Talk Free! Aucune inscription ni SMS requis !