TAXIMETRO : The cost of a cab ride within reach
TAXIMETRO is an application(app) to know the taxi rates right before you get the taxi.
The cost of a cab ride within reach!
It's free, giving you the opportunity to estimate the rates on your desired route, anytime and anywhere even before you have called the taxi.
New features!
- Streetview
- Open/close functionality for a specific place
- Establishment rating
- Establishment opening hours
- Call specific place
- Add place to your contacts
- Launch GPS navigation app(Ex. Waze, Google Maps, Tomtom)
Available countries and cities:
- London
- Paris
- Barcelona
- Madrid
- Milan
- Rome
- Amsterdam
- Aveiro
- Beja
- Braga
- Bragança
- Castelo Branco
- Coimbra
- Évora
- Faro
- Guarda
- Leiria
- Lisbon
- Portalegre
- Porto
- Santarém
- Viana do Castelo
- Vila Real
- Viseu
- Boston
- Chicago
- Los Angeles
- New York
- San Francisco
- Orlando
- Miami
- Washington, DC
- Santiago
- Bogotá
- Medellín
- Buenos Aires (Requires version 2.0.01 or higher)
- Mexico City - DF (Requires version 2.0.01 or higher)
- Aracaju
- Belém
- Belo Horizonte
- Blumenau
- Boa Vista
- Brasilia
- Campinas
- Campo Grande
- Cuiabá
- Curitiba
- Florianópolis
- Fortaleza
- Foz do Iguaçu
- Goiânia
- João Pessoa
- Juiz de Fora
- Macapá
- Maceió
- Manaus
- Maringá
- Natal
- Palmas
- Porto Alegre
- Porto Velho
- Recife
- Rio Branco
- Rio de Janeiro
- Salvador
- São Luis
- São Paulo
- Teresina
- Vitória
The APP uses updated rates from each location and gives you the shortest route, shown with google maps engine.
Features Available:
-Select origin (GPS location or address autocomplete by name or commercial spot);
-Select destination (Address autocomplete by name or commercial establishment);
-Directions for the suggested route;
-Map view with Starting and Ending point;
-Map view with traffic information;
- Streetview
- Open/close functionality for a specific place
- Establishment rating
- Establishment hours
- Call specific place
- Add place to your contacts
Fare conversion to:
- Brazilian Real (R$)
- US Dollar ($)
- EURO (€)
- Pound Sterling (£)
- Japanese Yen (¥)
- Chinese Yuan (¥)
- Australian Dollar (A$) (NEW)
- Chilean Peso ($) (NEW)
- Mexican Peso (Mex$) (NEW)
- Argentine Peso ($) (NEW)
- Colombian Peso ($) (NEW)
- Swiss Franc(CHF) (NEW)
- Uruguayan peso ($) (NEW)
- Czech koruna (Kč) (NEW)
- Croatian kuna (kuna) (NEW)
Salah satu pencarian pengalaman paling menyenangkan di acara Hunt Mega Edition yang sedang berlangsung adalah yang di dalam Bayside High School. Alasan utama untuk ini adalah
Menari menuju kemenangan!
Ada token mega?!
Mobil Crushers 2 adalah bagian dari acara Roblox Mega Hunt dan menyelesaikannya rumit. Untuk membantu Anda dengan itu, panduan ini memiliki semua tujuan dan bagaimana
Metro Life adalah bagian dari acara The Hunt Mega Edition tahun ini oleh Roblox. Acara ini menampilkan pencarian eksklusif yang akan memberi Anda hadiah perburuan
Ke altar kerajinan kita pergi!
Di situs web kami, Anda dapat dengan mudah mengunduh versi terbaru TAXIMETRO! Tidak perlu registrasi atau SMS!