A quick way to reference, save, and memorize spells from Pathfinder RPG.
Checkout the Pro version for NO ads and FASTER updates for new spells, sources, and classes!
Spellbook for Pathfinder is a quick way to find spells, learn spells, memorize spells, and track daily spell usage. The app is updated to include all the new classes and spells also with other useful features for tracking spell use and memorized spells.
* Multiple spellbook support to track all your character profiles.
* Add spells to your spellbook with the touch of a button.
* Memorize daily spells feature to easily choose spells everyday.
* Track daily spell usage to easily visualize number of spells cast by level.
* Control what sources to use for spell lists.
* Search realtime for spells.
* Quick filters for all class spells, class spells by level, and spells by school.
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It includes all spells from the following books/sources:
* PFRPG Core
* Advanced Class Guide
* Advanced Race Guide
* Horror Adventures (Locked in Lite)
* Inner Sea Gods
* Inner Sea Magic
* Inner Sea Races
* Monster Codex
* Mythic Adventures
* Occult Adventures (Locked in Lite)
* Technology Guide
* Ultimate Combat
* Ultimate Intrigue (Locked in Lite)
* Ultimate Magic
* AP 102
* AP 107
* AP 29
* AP 30
* AP 35
* AP 42
* AP 50
* AP 55
* AP 56
* AP 62
* AP 64
* AP 65
* AP 67
* AP 68
* AP 69
* AP 71
* AP 74
* AP 77
* AP 78
* AP 80
* AP 81
* AP 82
* AP 84
* AP 86
* AP 89
* AP 91
* AP 93
* AP 95
* AP 99
* Advanced Class Origins
* Agents Of Evil
* Andoran
* Animal Archive* Arcane Anthology
* Armor Masters Handbook
* Black Markets* Blood Of
* Blood Of The Elements
* Blood Of The Moon
* Blood Of The Night
* Book Of The Dammed V1
* Book Of The Damned V2
* Champions Of Balance
* Champions Of Corruption
* Champions Of Purity
* Cheliax Empire Of Devils
* Chronicle Of The Righteous
* Classic Treasures* Cohorts &
* Condition Cards
* Demon Hunter's Handbook
* Demons Revisited
* Dirty Tactics Toolbox
* Dragon Empires Primer
* Dragonslayer's Handbook
* Dungeoneers Handbook
* Dungeons Of Golarion
* Dwarves Of Golarion
* Faction Guide
* Faiths & Philosophies
* Faiths Of Corruption
* Faiths Of Purity
* Familiar Folio
* Giant Hunters Handbook
* Gnomes Of Golarion
* Goblins Of Golarion
* Haunted Heroes Handbook
* Heroes Of The Streets
* Heroes Of The Wild
* Horsemen Of The Apocalypse
* Humans Of Golarion
* Inner Sea Intrigue
* Inner Sea Monster Codex
* Inner Sea World Guide
* Knights Of The Inner Sea
* Kobolds Of Golarion
* Legacy Of Dragons
* Lost Kingdoms
* Magic Tactics Toolbox
* Magical Marketplace
* Melee Tactics Toolbox
* Monster Summoner's Handbook
* Mythic Origins
* Occult Mysteries
* Occult Origins
* Occult Realms
* Orcs Of Golarion
* Osirion, Legacy Of Pharaohs
* Paizo Blog
* Path Of The Hellknight
* Pathfinder Society Field Guide
* Pathfinder Society Primer
* People Of The North
* People Of The River
* People Of The Sands
* People Of The Stars
* Pirates Of The Inner Sea
* Quests And Campaigns
* Ranged Tactics Toolbox
* Rival Guide
* RotRL-AE-Appendix
* Sargava
* Spymaster's Handbook
* The Dragon's Demand
* The HarrowHandbook
* Undead Slayer's Handbook
Section 15: Copyright Notice - Paizo Spells Database
Paizo Spells Database. Copyright 2016 Mike Chopswil
New In 2.1
- Unlocked Monster Codex!
- Legacy Of Dragons
- Haunted Heroes Handbook
- Added ability to delete profiles
- Back button now goes back to previous tab. If on the home tab it will ask before exiting.
ダウンロードしてくれてありがとう! Please consider reviewing if you have a moment :)
Mythical Odysseyは人気のあるアイドルRPGで、Sun Wukongやなど、西へのJourney To Journeyの象徴的なヒーローをフィーチャーしています。
Monster Hunter Wildsで委員会のチケットを取得して使用する方法を疑問に思っている場合は、ここに知っておくべきことがあります。
クラッシュを防ぎ、最高のSplitgate 2設定でフレームレートを増やします。ポータリング中に最後に望むものは遅れています。
」弊社のウェブサイトでは、Pathfinder Spellbook Lite の最新バージョンを簡単にダウンロードできます。登録やSMSは必要ありません! 「