Snoopwall Privacy App - プライバシーを取り戻します。 Audit Your Device.
New 3.0 Release!!!
► Further separates downloaded apps from native apps; apps from unknown sources will be at the top of each list, as they are more likely to be malicious or vulnerable.
► Simplified app lists for faster navigation to suspicious apps
► General layout and organization simplified for better user control
SnoopWall Privacy App – Reclaim Your Privacy Today, For Free!
You are being spied on. It's more than one app you trust on your smartphone.
Why does Brightest Flashlight need to Geolocate you?そうではありません。 That's why the FTC recently sued them. Here's the story: http://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2014/04/ftc-approves-final-order-settling-charges-against-flashlight-app
But what about all the other apps on your smartphone or tablet? What about your kids? Miss Teen USA 2013、Cassidy Wolfのこのビデオを見るだけです。彼は、オンラインの捕食者が彼女が信頼しているアプリから彼女のウェブカメラをリモートで見ることができたために彼女をリモートで見ることができました:http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/miss-usa-usa-siscusses-webcam-hack-cyury-security-expo/
It's time to reclaim your privacy, today. Privacy App is free forever and it:
► Audit apps for high-risk capabilities which may allow spying or data leakage.
► Finds all the apps with the ability to spy on you
► Instantly see audit results for newly installed apps
► Audits your favorite banking apps for security flaws
► Discovers vulnerabilities your antivirus software may have missed
► Uninstall bad apps with intrusive and unnecessary permissions
► Shows you which apps use camera, bluetooth, gps, wifi, nfc, microphone and much more…
► Snoopwall can work alongside your existing antivirus, firewall or other mobile security software.
► Visit Snoopwall: http://www.snoopwall.com
► Follow Snoopwall on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/snoopwallsecure
► Like Snoopwall on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Snoopwall-LLC/335683703228745
Snoopwall®はSnoopwall、Inc。の登録商標です。プライバシーアプリ(TM)は、Snoopwall、Inc。の保留中の商標です。Google®は、米国およびその他の国に登録されているGoogle®の商標です。 Google Maps™およびAndroid™はGoogle Incの商標です。このサイトまたは製品には、http://www.ip2location.comから入手可能なIP2Location Liteデータが含まれています。
Version 3.0.2:
►Some bug fixes to prevent app from crashing on certain devices.
►Updated URL for FAQ.
Versions 3.0: New User Interface:
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」弊社のウェブサイトでは、Privacy App の最新バージョンを簡単にダウンロードできます。登録やSMSは必要ありません! 「