Driving Curve 운전 행동을 측정합니다. Let's drive smart and have fun!
Bank Robber? 아니면 연료 절약? 운전 스타일은 무엇입니까?
Driving Curve finds out your own flavor of driving and tells you, "you are how you drive."
가장 멋진 에코 드라이빙 앱 " Driving Curve "는 운전 행동을 측정하고 앱을 사용하는 동안 즐거운 시간을 보내면서 운전 기술을 향상시킬 수있는 유익한 분석을 제공합니다. It doesn't require any extra hardware installation in your car, all you need is your smartphone. that is to say, it's like Nike+ for driving.
자신을 개선하고 연료 효율을 높이려면 최선을 다해 가스 페달을 부드럽게 두드려 매 턴의 은혜와 각 브레이크의 부드러움을 느끼십시오. The score will be ranked in world championship. Log in to create your driving profile and compete with drivers around the world!
[주요 기능]
▲ The app quantifies your habits and measures your driving behavior.
▲ High-tech, fiction movie style UI.
▲ Personal driving profile and personal best records.
▲ From regional competition to world championship. Earn score and the respect of the world best drivers.
▲ Personal achievement system. Motivate yourself to improve driving skill and earn more badges.
▲ Auto voice alert for aggressive driving actions.
▲ The GPS uses signals from satellites. 고층 빌딩, 터널, 흐린 날씨 및 하늘의 경치를 차단하는 다른 물건은 운전자의 속도와 경로를 결정하기가 어렵거나 불가능할 수 있습니다.
▲ Speed deviation within 5 kmh (3 mph) is acceptable while driving.
▲ We are a startup with 6 passionate young guy. we need your feedback to make the app better, so please let us know if you find anything not going well on your smartphone. We'll try our best to improve it and bring you a better driving experience.
▲ follow us on https://www.facebook.com/DrivingCurve news about the app will be here.
첫 번째 목표 : 다이!
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