OnCourse is the new boating and sailing navigation aid from MarineTraffic (mAIS)
선박 추적의 글로벌 리더 인 Marinetraffic의 새로운 보트 및 항해 내비게이션 원조 OnCourse 와의 해상 경험을 향상시킵니다.
OnCourse 주변의 트래픽을 인식하고 항해를 계획하고 Marinetraffic 라이브 맵을 통해 친구 및 사랑하는 사람과 직책을 공유하는 데 도움이됩니다. Also, you can engage with the boaters' community and have fun with the new exciting Virtual Reality feature.
Increase your awareness while sailing
- Plan and monitor your voyage*
- Calculate the optimal route*
- Add your own customisable waypoints to the map
- Collision detection & avoidance while sailing, with AIS
- Additional information during sailing (time to next waypoint, next ETA, final ETA, distance & bearing to waypoint)
Share your position on MarineTraffic.com and engage with the boaters' community
- 보트가 AIS 트랜스 폰더가 장착되어 있지 않은 경우에도 자신의 위치를보고하여 친구와 가족이 거의 실시간으로 귀하를 따라갈 수 있도록
- Track a particular boat in a race or keep in touch with friends' boats whilst cruising
- Identify other vessels that are sailing in the area (provided that they transmit their positions)
- Upload photos of your boat for all the community to see
재미있게 보내세요!
- Recognise vessels by using the Augmented Reality tool*
- Try out the new Virtual Reality feature and watch everything from a different perspective (requires a VR headset)*
Very low data and battery consumption
All standard units of measurement supported
(*) Available only with OnCourse Plus subscriptions
Note: OnCourse is not AIS, OnCourse simulates the data transmitted by AIS transponders; however, it only transmits data through the Internet and not over AIS radio-frequencies. The information transmitted by OnCourse is not visible by the AIS receivers of other vessels. It will only be displayed on the MarineTraffic website and apps. 따라서 OnCourse AIS 전송을 대체하지 않는 자체보고 도구이며, 어떤 방법으로는 선박의 안전 및 내비게이션 장비와 관련이 없습니다.
Intended use
인터넷 연결을 이용할 수있는 경우 모바일 장치에서 OnCourse 응용 프로그램이 시작되면 선박의 위치가보고되기 시작합니다. Note that the positions will continue being reported even if the app is running in the background! It is important to be used only when the device is on board a vessel and it must be turned off whenever the device leaves the vessel!
How to use OnCourse - Registration Required
Registration for a MarineTraffic account is required in order to start reporting your position through the application. The details of the vessel (such as vessel's name, call-sign, dimensions, destination, ETA, etc) must be also configured when using the app.
이메일 알림
원치 않는 위치보고를 피하기 위해 MarinetRaffic은 앱이 활성화 될 때마다 등록 된 이메일 주소로 이메일 알림을 보냅니다. This serves as a reminder that position reporting should only be active when you are at sea and must be turned off when on land.
부인 성명
This application is to be used for informational reasons and as navigation assistance. This is not a substitute for the good seamanship practices, the onboard navigation and safety instruments required by applicable regulations.
Continued use of GPS running in the background can decrease battery life.
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저희 웹사이트에서 OnCourse의 최신 버전을 쉽게 다운로드하실 수 있습니다! 등록이나 SMS가 필요 없습니다!