하늘에 떠 다니는 섬을 지배하십시오!
Rule the Sky ™ is a mobile social game where you can rule your own floating island (called 'Flotia') in the sky along with your friends.
- Meet various celebrities at Rule the Sky .
There are Super Junior decoration items and Spy buildings modeled after the Super Junior's SPY.
You are able to listen to the Super Junior members' messages by touching the Decoration items.
- Rule your own floating island in the sky.
Enjoy decorating five different theme-islands: 'Flotia', 'Glory', 'Wonder', 'Zombie' and 'Flori'!
- Enjoy the game with your friends
As you visit your friends' Flotias and care for their crops and buildings, your island will be developed quicker
- Raining in your region? Then you will also see rain fall in your 'Flotia' as well!
- Your island may seem quiet and peaceful, but sometimes a small ruckus is created by zombies, spies and aliens!
- Including roads, fences, decorations and buildings, more than 200 different items exists that allow you to make your 'flotia' more fantastic!
- Activities that allow social interaction: favoring my friends' buildings for rewards; caring my friends' farms and fruit trees; buying Defender items to keep my crops from rotting and being stolen.
- You can manage your island by constructing and decorating buildings and harvesting crops, and actively interact with your friends as well.
- There are mini games, such as Finding spies, eradicating zombies, and Alien attacks.
- Interactive environment where you can move clouds and make it rain to fertilize your farms.
- Switch from sun shining days to aurora filled nights according to your real life time!
- All residents in your Flotia have different personalities, and each will respond differently to your action.
- Upgrade your Castle & Territory to expand your island and receive extra Experience points too!
- Supported with 8 different languages: English, Korean, Japanese, Spanish, French, German and Chinese (Simplified and Traditional).
- Our own mobile social game platform where you can search for friends.
- Nationality information is now shown on Nest list! Know where your friends are from.
- If you have a Facebook account, connect to Facebook and post on your Facebook Wall; and find friends listed in Facebook contacts.
- Now available: sending messages and uploading posts on the message boards for better relationship with your friends.
Rule the Sky ™ allow you to purchase in-game-items for real money.
Please disable in-app-purchase on your device if you don't want this feature to be accessible.
Please take caution when purchasing: in-app-purchases made by mistake by the user or by anyone else will not be eligible for refund.
Online Game: internet connection (3G+,4G LTE or Wifi) is required.
다음은 FFXIV의 Little Ladies Day 이벤트에 대한 완전한 가이드, 퀘스트 시작 방법 및 모든 보상을 포함합니다.
Monster Hunter Wilds에서 Uth Duna를 캡처하거나 이길 수있는 방법이 궁금하다면 여기에 알아야 할 모든 것이 있습니다.
Marvel Snap에서 강력한 새 카드를 사용하려면 모바일 게임에서 최고의 아가모토 데크가 있습니다.
새로운 Capcom Game Monster Hunter Wilds에서 끔찍한 짐승 Rompopolo를 잠금 해제, 제치 및 포착하는 방법은 다음과 같습니다.
Ebony Odogaron은 수년 동안 폐허가 버려 졌음에도 불구하고 여전히 Monster Hunter Wilds의 외부인으로부터 Wyveria의 폐허를 보호합니다.
저희 웹사이트에서 Rule the Sky의 최신 버전을 쉽게 다운로드하실 수 있습니다! 등록이나 SMS가 필요 없습니다!