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How to get the Hunt Mega Token in Tower Defense Simulator

Author: Unknown Author Update Time: 2025-03-22

TDS had a fun stage for the Regular Token, but the Mega Token stage is pretty insane. You have to have the right strategy if you want to make it through. To do that, you can check our TDS Hunt Mega Token guide below.

How to Get the Tower Defense Simulator Mega Token in the Hunt Mega Edition

In the lobby of TDS, look around. If you have all the previous Mega Tokens, you should be able to see the area with a greenlit computer screen. Approach it and it will ask you for a code. If you want you can run around searching for the hidden letters, but the code is REDCLIFF FALLS. It is the same for everyone, you just have to type it to activate it.

Go to the portal section and enter. You'll get a pop up to select the stage, make sure you click on the Mega. This stage will contain 20 waves, and you need to be

Now go to the portal and select the Mega stage. This will take you to the special map with 20 Waves that you need to defeat to get the Mega Token.

How to Complete TDS Mega Stage

At the start, you'll get to choose between three loadouts. I suggest going for the Tactician loadout, which I used to complete the TDS Mega Stage.

Scouts are great for the first few waves as an early game unit, but don't upgrade them above two levels. After you do that, go with Electroshockers and Engineers. Engineers are great damage dealers and don't cost too much, while Electroshockers are great for stunning. Upgrade both to the max level as soon as you can.

A few Mortars will work great for you as well, since they deal AoE damage. There are hidden enemies in the waves as well, but luckily most of your units will have hidden detection on upgrade 2. After you get the Engineers and Electroshockers to the max, put all of the money in Turrets.

If you want to collect more Hunt Tokens, then make sure to check out our complete The Hunt: Mega Edition Token guide.