Buddypass - Encontre amigos, grupos próximos e coisas divertidas para fazer!
Buddypass is designed to help you find friends and groups nearby or easily create & manage your own real world group! It's your instant connection to find friends, and local groups nearby for fun things to do. Buddypass also features local events , so you can browse or list one of your own and always have something to do and friends to do it with. Join a group, find a friend or a fun event nearby today!
** As seen on the Discovery Channel, NewswatchTV, Engadget and Entrepreneur! **
Buddypass is a next generation social app based on your location and designed to help you easily find groups nearby or create and manage your own group. You can instantly join individuals and groups nearby to where you live for fun activities. If you are looking for things to do and into meeting new people, then Buddypass is the place to be to find friends and groups for real world meet-ups!
Looking for a chat buddy, a work-out partner, or a local running or biking group? Buddypass locates people and groups nearby you that are also into your favorite hobbies or activities! Simply create or join chat groups that represent your favorite hobby or activity and start talking to people interested in the same things right away. Ou faça uma postagem no feed agora para o que você quer fazer e veja quem também está pronto para isso. Sentindo -se confiante e prefira fazer ou participar de um evento local, confira a tela de eventos locais e junte -se a uma que parece mais interessante. Melhor ainda, projete o seu próprio e veja quem se junta! É tudo completamente gratuito no Buddypass .
Buddypass is *** not *** a dating app, Buddypass is about real world groups, meeting new people and helps you find friends for your favourite activities. O único limite é a sua imaginação!
Grupos de 1,16 ou criam o seu próprio
Encontre grupos nas proximidades, oferecendo coisas divertidas e interessantes para fazer para o mundo real, ou crie um dos seus! From outdoor sports and activities, to indoor hobbies, favorite pastimes, or a simple group chat gossip session – Buddypass can help make it happen. Tem um grupo próprio? Buddypass provides great tools like instant group chat, attendance monitoring and money collection features to make running your group a piece of cake!
2- Meet New People Nearby You
New to a neighborhood or simply interested in meeting new people? Keep telling yourself "I need a new hobby or just looking for things to do"? Sem problemas! Buddypass will show you nearby people looking for things to do on the Now screen or nearby groups that you can join and get together with.
3- Find Groups Nearby or Create One
Find, create or easily manage a neighbourhood book, running or biking group, make new friends with a local movie outing, or by joining a mom's group or a local club.
4- Create Real Friendships:
Buddypass is about creating real friendships and doing things together. Chat with someone regularly or invite them to do something interesting, simply add that person as a friend. You can accept or decline invitations, and share Buddypass with your friends and Facebook friends.
5- Discover Local Events
Buddypass is your passport to what's going on nearby. Find groups doing fun things and events you will love on our Local Events screen.
Gostaríamos muito de ouvir de você! Feel free to contact us at contact@ Buddypass .me
Don't be shy, come say hello, every friend was once a stranger!
Web & mobile: http://www.Buddypass.me/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Buddypassapp
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Buddypassapp
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Buddypassapp/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/BuddypassApp/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm5K07pzwJLhodgMHw2XeFg
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No nosso site, pode descarregar facilmente a versão mais recente do Buddypass! Não é necessário registo ou SMS!