Adora desmontar as coisas? Agora você pode! See how things work, then blow it up!
Adora desmontar as coisas? Vendo como as coisas funcionam? Shooting stuff with a shotgun or rocket launcher? This game lets you do so in the ultimate destruction experience!
Disassembly 3D : Ultimate Stereoscopic Destruction simulates the experience of taking everyday objects apart. Remove screws, bolts, nuts and every single part with your tools and bare hands. All fully interactive with realistic disassembly physics! Weapons mode unlock as you complete levels for more destructive fun!
Shoot a TV with a shotgun, blow up your computer, smash stuff with a hammer, and much more. High performance bullet holes with precision calculated ballistics, trajectory, penetration, deflection and tumbling.
Full sandbox mode allows you to build structures, spawn in vehicles, weapons and bombs, place and fight mannequins. Build your ultimate mega fortress!
Defend your fortress against evil mannequins! Full body active ragdoll physics enemies make combat extremely physical and satisfying! Advanced climbing AI allow the enemies to climb over physics obstacles to get to you.
Drive cars and a tank, fly a helicopter and fighter jet, experience a plane crash, dive underwater in a submarine, sail and sink with the Titanic, orbit the Earth, ride an elevator, cook food, make coffee, and much more! Experience everything in this game!
First six levels and sandbox are free, the rest are available via in-app purchase.
* 51 objects ranging from furniture, appliances, electronics, to the super jumbo A380!
* Full body fighting physics - fight active ragdoll enemy mannequins and get fully physical!
* True 3D bullet holes with actual depth, enhanced sounds, debris and slow motion!
* High performance precision calculated bullet ballistics, trajectory, penetration, deflection and tumbling!
* Sandbox mode - freedom to build and destroy anything you want!
* Física realista - toque e arraste as peças para desmontar, movê -las ou soltá -las!
* Interactive objects - drive cars and ships, fly planes and helicopters, operate a coffee machine, spin a fidget spinner, and much more!
* Realistic destruction - weapons mode becomes unlocked once you successfully disassemble an object. Shoot and blow things up in slow motion 'bullet' time!
* Modo de realidade virtual - suporta o Google Cardboard e fones de ouvido similares para a experiência final! Controlador VR Bluetooth suportado!
* Modo 3D estereoscópico - óculos grátis! wiggle, parallel eye, cross eye and SBS modes! Compatible with most 3D viewers and 3D TVs!
* High replay value - explore alternate ways to disassemble an object, or just blow it up for the fun of it!
List of objects:
* Sidetable, Lamp, Speaker
* Pocket Knife, Microscope, Antique Car
* Robot, Safe, Bicycle
* Chair, Water Heater, House
* Hard Disk, Blender, Coffee Machine
* Sink, Lego Van, Hellfire Missile
* Screw Driver, Rice Cooker, Titanic
* Phone, Jig saw, Car
* Toaster, Coffee Grinder, Airplane
* Flashlight, Elevator, Train
* Tablet, DVD Player, Skyscraper
* Toilet, Telescope, Tank
* Hair Dryer, Computer, Space Station
* Drone, Hoverboard, Helicopter
* Controller, TV, Submarine
* Fidget Spinner, Claw Machine, F1 Car
* Toothbrush, Microwave, Fighter Jet
* More to be added in future updates
Unlockable weapons and tools:
* Classic Bomb
* Handgun
* Shotgun
* Granada
* Assault Rifle
* C4 Explosive
* Rocket Launcher
* X-ray glasses
* Part finder
* Mannequin
* More to be added in future updates
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