Find the nearest public toilet, restroom from the database of 350,000+ toilets
Toilet Finder is a database of more than 350,000 toilets around the world.
Our FREE App helps you Navigate to, Rate, Request Cleaning and Add public toilet near you!
From Map View , you can find the nearest, most suitable restrooms for yourself in several seconds based on your current location and it can guide you to the restroom via Google maps directions.
From List View , you can get detailed information about the restrooms, such as the location of the nearest public toilet, details of opening hours, pay and use toilets, accessibility, parking, rating & reviews and other features.
Toilet Finder is perfect and must have travel companion that can help you find restrooms when you need them the most. Using this app, not just the public toilets, locate nearest toilets whether they be in Restaurants, Metro Stations, Petrol Pumps, Railway Stations or Shopping Malls.
- More than 350,000 toilet locations around the world.
- Easily Locate and Navigate to nearest public toilet near you.
- Identify differently abled friendly toilets
- Locate pay and use toilets near you
- Avalie um banheiro.
- Adicione um novo banheiro e contribua para a comunidade e para o subcontinente indiano o "Swachh Bharat Abhiyan".
- Solicite a limpeza de banheiros públicos.
- Request a new Toilet where none is available.
- Report Toilet does not exist.
- Loved and supported by 50,000+ people.
- Provide Feedback to help us improve everyday.
For Indian peninsula this app promotes the Swachh bharat abhiyan initiative, so Contribute to the Swachh Bharat Mission and be a Social Ambassador! along with the renowned celebs like Salman Khan, Amitabh Bachchan, Narendra Modi etc.
Recognitions so far:
* FbStart - A startup promotion initiative of Facebook.
* Recognised by Honorable President of India
* Various news and media channels like:
- AajTak
- IndiaTV
- Nav Bharat Times
- Hindustan
We're always glad to hear from you.
Write to us at : [email protected]
Or catch up with us on Facebook: @toifinder
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