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Sprouted Pixel Dungeon is a free Open Source turn-based roguelike rpg game that builds upon other open source Pixel Dungeon modifications with permission from the developers. Проросший PD - это крупная переделка, предназначенная для расширения выравнивания и обновления возможностей, сбалансированной более жесткими мобами и боссами. Целью этой переделки является удлинение игрового процесса Dungeon Crawler, сохраняя при этом случайный опыт RPG.
Source is open and currently available here: https://github.com/dachhack/SproutedPixelDungeon/tree/v0.1.1
Sprouted PD is forked with permission from the open source code of Shattered Pixel Dungeon (0.2.4).
Major reworks and additions were done to create a very different playing experience and a game that is not the same as the original.
Please Note: Saves to the previous versions may not load properly on 0.4.0 so you might have to start a new game if you update.
Sprouted Pixel Dungeon differences:
- Much larger levels creating a different game play and strategy experience
- Mobs drop monster meat to facilitate longer and more in-depth exploration of the larger levels
- Dew system has been revised to create a currency for upgrade opportunities
- Dew Vial был переработан в качестве нового ключевого ресурса для изучения подземелья
- Wraiths and grave hunting is now a major part of the game progression
- Boss fights have been completely reworked to be more intense and challenging requiring completely new tactics
- Mobs now adjust strength as you go deeper in the dungeon to stay balanced with upgrades
- New levels are accessible at each stage with Four additional levels available at the end of the game
- New levels include unique enemies, items and rewards
Additional sprites created by Pavel Provotorov and B'Gnu-Thun. Большое спасибо!
New in This Update:
Version 0.4.0
Otiluke's Journal available in the first shop will take you to Sokoban levels using Journal Pages dropped by bosses.
Players need to solve the Sokoban levels to gather loot and enough gold to buy the books in the imp shop.
New Post-Shadow Yog Play using Otiluke's Journal includes:
- Overworld Town
- A new mine stage overrun with demons
- New tier-6 weapons with special powers
- Two new boss fights with powerful wizards and their minions
- Исправления ошибок
- A new Easter Egg
- Towel (don't forget it!)
- Spectacles
- Secret Vault
- AutoPotion
New mob sprites from B'Gnu-Thun
Listing back up after short absence!
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