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Ultimate Wizard West Tier List

ผู้เขียน: ไม่ระบุชื่อ วันที่อัปเดต: 2025-03-18

Harry Potter meets Wild West? Yeah, that's a Roblox classic called Wizard West. สิ่งหนึ่งที่คุณจะสังเกตเห็นได้ทันทีที่คุณเข้ามาในเกมคือมันมีการแข่งขันสูงมากและถ้าคุณต้องการที่จะไปและอยู่ด้านบนคุณจะต้องมีคาถาที่ดี To learn which spells are best and why, check out our ultimate Wizard West tier list below!

Wizard West Spells Tier List - PvP

คาถาที่ดีที่สุดสำหรับ PVP ใน Wizard West คือคาถาที่มี CC , Survivability , ความเสียหายแบบเป้าหมายเดียวสูง และ การติดตามอัตโนมัติ และรายการระดับข้างต้นสะท้อนให้เห็น The point is to nuke your enemy and give them as little counterplay room as possible.

For those reasons, Abra Kedabra , Imperum , Vocare Enarma , Lasso , Protego , Morsmortem , and Tempestia Incarnata are your top choices. Just try to get a mix of survivability, CC, and damage in your kit, and you'll be golden.

Wizard West Spells Tier List - PvE

On the other hand, the best spells for PvE in Wizard West are the ones with large AoE , high damage , or some form of QoL . Those kinds of spells will allow you to navigate the map, kill mobs, and farm money as fast as possible.

ทักษะที่มีคุณสมบัติเหล่านั้นทั้งหมดและนึกถึงคือ Tempestia incarnata , Imperum , Frigidus , Morsmortem , Apparo (ปรากฏ) และ Oceanus vortico If you don't mind flying around, don't use Apparo; instead, take a damaging spell.

Complete Wizard West Spells List & Guide

ในตารางด้านล่างคุณสามารถค้นหา รายการคาถาที่สมบูรณ์ในประสบการณ์ Wizard West Roblox พร้อมกับคำอธิบายและข้อดี/ข้อเสียของพวกเขา They are ordered alphabetically, and you can also use Ctrl + F to find specific spells more quickly.

สะกด คำอธิบาย ข้อดีและข้อเสีย

Abra Kedabra
Effect : Instantly kills the enemy.
Category : Wild Magic
Source : Level 3 "Forbidden Arts: Deathbringer" Spell Tree (T4)
+ One of the most OP spells for PvP
Relatively low value for PvE
- คูลดาวน์ยาว

(Apparate - old)
Effect : Teleports user to the chosen location on the map.
Category : Utility
Source : Starter Spell (T0)
+ Very good utility spell in general
- คูลดาวน์ยาว

Effect : Damages an enemy on hit and entraps him in a water bubble.
Category : Base
Source : Level 4 "School of Oceans: Aquamancer" Spell Tree (T1)
+ Relativly low cooldown
+ Very good CC skill you can get early on
Low damage

Effect : Channel and fire small bolts that track the target.
Category : Base
Source : Level 1 "School of Trackers: Snatcher" Spell Tree (T2)
+ Solid damage
+ Short cooldown
Relatively long channel time

Effect : Creates a big explosion at the target location, followed by several smaller ones.
Category : Base
Source : Level 4 "School of Geomency: Excavator" Spell Tree (T1)
+ Solid AoE and damage
+ Knocks-up and ragdolls enemies
+ Short cooldown
- ต้องการเป้าหมายที่ดี

Effect : Fires a piercing horizontal bolt that can hit multiple enemies on its path.
Category : Base
Source : Level 4 "School of Trackers: Cutthroat" Spell Tree (T2)
+ Extremely good range
+ Short cooldown
- ต้องการเป้าหมายที่ดี

Effect : Fires a small lightning bolt from your wand (it has no travel time).
Category : Base
Source : Level 4 "School of Storms: Stormcaller" Spell Tree (T3)
+ Very short cooldown
+ Ragdolls enemies
+ Projectile deals damage to enemies instantly
Fairly low AoE and damage

Effect : Moderately heals the caster.
Category : Base
Source : Level 1 "Druid Sorcery: Wayfarer" Spell Tree (T1)
+ Solid self heal spell
Targets only one player
Taking a damage spell is just better

Effect : Fires a bolt that moderately heals its target.
Category : Base
Source : Level 4 "Druid Sorcery: Wayfarer" Spell Tree (T1)
Very low healing
Targets only one player
Taking a damage spell is just better

Episkio Magna
Effect : Heals everyone in a close area around the user for a large amount of HP.
Category : Base
Source : Level 5 "Druid Sorcery: Wayfarer" Spell Tree (T1)
+ Solid AoE healing
Melee range
Taking a damage spell is most often better

Effect : Disarms the opponent for a short time.
Category : Base
Source : Level 1 "Druid Sorcery: Wayfarer" Spell Tree (T1)
+ Okayish utility spell for PvP
Stun skills are simply better
Borderline useless for PvE


Effect : Conjures a vortex continuously that slows and freezes enemies.
Category : Wild Magic
Source : Level 5 "School of Frost: Frostbinder" Spell Tree (T2)
+ Very big area of effect
+ Very good CC spell both for PvE and PvP
+ Long duration and short cooldown
Low damage

Effect : Fires several ice spears that auto-track the target with low accuracy.
Category : Wild Magic
Source : Level 2 "School of Frost: Frostbinder" Spell Tree (T2)
+ Fairly good single target damage
Auto-tracking accuracy is pretty low
Absolutely no AoE

Effect : Fires a small tracking bolt that applies the 'Chill' status effect, slowing enemies.
Category : Base
Source : Level 1 "School of Frost: Frostbinder" Spell Tree (T2)
+ Slows down enemies
+ Auto-tracking
+ คูลดาวน์ต่ำ
Low damage

Effect : Increases casting speed and movement speed of the user for a short time.
Category : Base
Source : Level 1 "School of Trackers: Cutthroat" Spell Tree (T2)
+ Solid utility spell
Picking a damage spell is straight up better

Effect : Fires a small bolt that sets the enemies on fire on hit.
Category : Base
Source : Starter Spell (T0)
Very small AoE
Low damage
- ต้องการเป้าหมายที่ดี


Effect : Shoots a wide cone-shaped flame from your wand.
Category : Base
Source : Level 1 "School of Pyromancy: Kindleflame" Spell Tree (T2)
+ Short cooldown
+ Okayish AoE damage
Very low range

Effect : Hurls a powerful fireball that explodes on impact and ignites enemies.
Category : Wild Magic
Source : Level 4 "School of Pyromancy: Kindleflame" Spell Tree (T2)
+ Failry big AoE radius
Doesn't deal that much damage
Bombarda is just better

Effect : Turns an enemy into an NPC that fights for you.
Category : Wild Magic
Source : Level 3 "Forbidden Arts: Dominus" Spell Tree (T4)
+ Extremely strong utility skill both for PvE and PvP
+ Long effect duration
- คูลดาวน์ยาว

Effect : Calls down lightning from the sky at the target location to strike and stun nearby enemies.
Category : Wild Magic
Source : Level 2 "School of Storms: Stormcaller" Spell Tree (T3)
+ Solid area of effect
+ Stuns and ragdolls enemies
Relatively hard to aim
Fairly low damage

Effect : Completely immobilizes an enemy on hit.
Category : Utility
Source : Level 4 "Ministry of Light: Patrolman" Spell Tree (T1)
+ Broken spell for PvP
Not that useful for PvE

Effect : Emits a light from the tip of the wand.
Category : Utility
Source : Level 1 "Ministry of Light: Patrolman" Spell Tree (T1)
- ไร้ประโยชน์

Effect : Fires a bunch of sparks from the tip of your wand to briefly stun nearby enemies.
Category : Base
Source : Level 1 "School of Storms: Stormcaller" Spell Tree (T3)
Extremely low range
- ความเสียหายต่ำมาก
There are more reliable stun spells

Effect : Summons 3 shadow wizards to aid you in combat.
Category : Wild Magic
Source : Level 5 "Forbidden Magic: Shadecaller" (Book of Shadows) Gamepass Spell Tree (T0)
+ Shadows deal very good damage
+ Extremely good spell both for PvE and PvP
Very long cooldown

Occeanus Vortico
Effect : Conjures waves to entrap multiple enemies in bubbles.
Category : Wild Magic
Source : Level 3 "School of Oceans: Odysseus" Spell Tree (T3)
+ Extremely big area of effect
+ one of the best CC skills both for PvE and PvP
Low damage
Long execution time

Effect : Summon a barrier that blocks the effects of the incoming spells.
Category : Base
Source : Level 1 "Ministry of Light: Light Bearer" Spell Tree (T3)
+ Extremely good utility spell for PvP
+ Long duration
+ Relatively short cooldown
Fairly low value for PvE

Effect : Reveals objects and creatures around you.
Category : Utility
Source : Level 4 "School of Trackers: Snatcher" Spell Tree (T2)
- ไร้ประโยชน์

Effect : Fires a stun bolt with auto-track. Applies Lasso effect for 14 seconds if target has less than 15 HP.
Category : Base
Source : Starter Spell (T0)
+ Solid auto-tracking stun skill
Stun duration is fairly short
Lasso effect only activates on low HP enemies

Tempestia Incarnata
Effect : Creates a massive storm cloud over an area to continuously strike enemies.
Category : Wild Magic
Source : Level 6 "School of Storms: Stromcaller" Spell Tree (T3)
+ Massive area of effect
+ Insane continuous damage with auto-tracking
Very long cooldown

Effect : Conjures an armor to increase player health.
Category : Wild Magic
Source : Level 1 "Black Powder Sorcery: Duelist" Spell Tree (T2)
+ Very good utility skill for PvP
Doesn't provide that much value in PvE
Protego is simply better

Vocare Enarma
Effect : Conjures a rifle weapon for the user.
Category : Base
Source : Level 1 "Black Powder Sorcery: Ironblood" Skill Tree (T3)
Weapon : Mauser 98
+ Insanely good damage
+ Very good range and projectile speed
Requires good aim to use

Vocare Halberda
Effect : Conjures a halberd weapon for the user.
Category : Base
Source : Level 3 "Black Powder Sorcery: Duelist" Spell Tree (T2)
Weapon : Halberd
+ Knock-backs and ragdolls enemies on hit
Very low range and number of attacks
- ความเสียหายปานกลาง

Vocare Machinam
Effect : Conjures a machine gun weapon for the user.
Category : Wild Magic
Source : Level 4 "Black Powder Sorcery: Ironblood" Spell Tree (T3)
Weapon : MP 40
+ Very good damage and rate of fire
+ Very good range and projectile speed
Requires good aim to use

Vocare Pickaxe
Effect : Conjures a pickaxe tool for the user. Allows you to mine ore veins and gather resources.
Category : Utility
Source : Level 1 "School of Geomency: Excavator" Spell Tree (T1)
+ Good utility for farming resources
Useless for combat

And that concludes our ultimate Wizard West spells guide and tier list. หากคุณพบว่าข้อมูลในรายการระดับนี้มีประโยชน์และต้องการเรียนรู้เพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับประสบการณ์ Roblox อื่น ๆ เช่น Rune Slayer และ Ninja Time ให้ตรวจสอบส่วน Roblox ที่นี่บนคู่มือเกม Pro