DOG é unha desenvolta application for a pola Axencia Tecnolóxica Modernization of Galicia (Amtega) that enables query using mobiles, smartphones and tablet devices, gives information do Diario Oficial de Galicia. Available in both Galician and Castelán, coa xeito actualízase constant reuse information from da da das RSS desktop publishing do Diario Oficial de Galicia published no site da Xunta de Galicia. Nesta version Podera perform as seguintes accions: request or latest available daily, look for a daily data nunha selected filter will do daily artigos second section, or pseudo artigos second search range and eat and eliminate artigos engadir nunha favorites list.
DOG is an application developed by Axencia for a Tecnolóxica Modernization of Galicia (Amtega) that allows the query using mobile devices, smartphones and tablets, the information the Official Journal of Galicia.在加利西亚州和卡斯蒂利安州的Castilian上都可以使用,并通过“ Galicia Wich官方杂志”的电子版中的RSS信息不断更新,该信息发表在Xunta de Galicia Way的网站上。 This version includes the completion of the following: read the latest available daily, a daily search on a selected date, filter section as newspaper articles, find articles according to their rank, so eat add and delete items in a list of favorites.