Type easily in Arabic or English with Soft Arabic Keys
Soft Arabic Keys is an IME (input method) for entering Arabic Text.当您将应用程序下载到手机上时,它将显示在设置应用程序的语言和设置条目上。如果启用它,当您在可编辑的字段上长途键使用时,它将作为您对输入方法的选择之一。
Soft Arabic Keys lets you enter the Unicode codepoints for Arabic letters by pressing on buttons arranged on the screen like an Arabic typewriter keyboard.您也可以通过在总共六个不同的入口屏幕之间骑自行车来输入英文文本。
Soft Arabic Keys lets you enter Arabic text, but for Android versions before Honeycomb (Android 3.0) the app you are using the text for is in charge of showing it correctly, and many do not.如果您的手机没有加载阿拉伯语字体,即使它们内部正确,您也无法阅读屏幕上输入的字符。 (Nor will you be able to read the characters on the keyboard buttons, because they use system fonts.) Soft Arabic Keys uses the plane 6 Unicode Arabic codepoints, but even if your phone has an Arabic font installed, these codepoints show on the screen as disconnected characters unless the app in which they are used is Arabic-aware.
Soft Arabic Keys has buttons for moving the cursor left and right and extending the selection left and right, for people who prefer using the keyboard rather than clicking on the text itself.
Soft Arabic Keys is based the Android Sample Soft Keyboard.这些消息来源可从[email protected]获得。
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