Share your personal style and fashion tips and get advice in return
分享您的个人风格和时尚技巧,并获取有关Stylead的建议,这是唯一一本可让您最新时尚并与他人联系的社交样式书! Express your personal sense of style with others and share all of your different tastes in clothing, sneakers or accessories!
Show off your own sense of fashion and compile your very own stylebook all on your phone. Postag lets you explore clothing and sneakers from all of the men and women's fashion trends happening right now and save them all!
Shopping has never been easier! See how all of your favorite items look on others or see what they pair with! Search for certain looks, brands and styles to stay updated on all of your favorite trends and designers you love.
Fully express your own personal style and get advice in return with Stylead , the perfect app for any and every fashion lover.
Now users can earn money on their style. All users can now hyperlink their separate pieces to amazon.com and earn an affiliate fee on any sale that is generated through their post.
Stylead Features:
Search for fashion looks, clothes and outfit ideas
• Find men and women's clothing, sneakers and looks from your favorite brands and designers with the search feature. Select men's or women's clothing, then filter your results by the type of clothing and brands you want to see.
Interactive Newsfeed
• Post your favorite clothes, sneakers and accessories with Stylead 's interactive newsfeed. Any registered user can post a photo and a brief caption to describe their inspiration or talk about who and what they're wearing. Even like and comment on other user posts! What you post could be the next big thing!
Follow Users For More Fashion
• Use Stylead as your own style social network! Follow other users with the same taste in clothing, sneakers and accessories as you do, or those who give you outfit inspiration. Each user can edit their own profile to include their e-mail, website, a short bio and even a profile picture.
Tag Brands
• Stylead helps you find clothes and sneakers from different brands, all from what different users are posting. Tag what you're wearing with Stylead and let users easily find it by season or by brand with Stylead 's advanced search functions. See what everyone else is wearing from Zara, Dolce and Gabana, Nike and more!
Built-In Camera
•拍摄您穿着的衣服或喜欢的照片,然后将其上传到带有内置相机或直接从相机卷中上传照片的Stylead ! Let everyone else see how you pull together your own style!
Stylead Fashion Guide
• Piece together your outfits with expert advice from design professionals! Stylead compiles all the latest news and trends for you! Flip through tons of trends to follow and see if the shirt or sneakers you were planning to wear are the best choice for the season!
Tag your own clothes, sneakers or outfit ideas and share tips with people who have the same tastes you do. On Stylead , you can keep track of trends or start your own! Share your sense of style with other budding fashionistas and get feedback for the next time you go shopping!
Never go another day worrying about which designers are in and which are out. With Stylead , you can carry around your own personal stylebook wherever you are. Express yourself from your hat to your sneakers and download Stylead today!
For more information or technical support, reach out to: info@ Stylead app.com
Fashion Brand or Advertiser?
• Promote your brand and your products with Stylead ! Get exclusive access to special tagging features to directly link Stylead users to product pages on your website! Register as a fashion brand and start making shopping easier for our users today.
感兴趣的? Reach out to info@ Stylead app.com or visit Stylead app.com/advertisers.html for more information.
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