Tower Defense: Galaxy Field是最好的策略,頂級經典塔防禦遊戲
Tower Defense: Galaxy Field是一款具有高質量高清圖形和各種其他特殊功能的策略遊戲,有望讓所有球迷塔防禦遊戲類型戲劇性,經典。
這個故事發生在巨型泰坦的敘事聲音上 - 戰爭的泰坦星球對他們的戲劇性進行了集思廣益,與遙遠的行星黑骨與險惡的情節的黑暗力量,以摧毀所有泰坦的巨型星球Bonecrusher bonecrusher名稱獨裁者(骨頭壓碎機)。
Megatitan是在最肥沃的12個行星中存儲礦物資源,以銀河系的眩光,不幸的是,犯罪分子黑骨機器人行星以Bonecrusher(骨頭壓碎機)的身份入侵了Planet Mega Titan。
And the time it was feared catastrophe for the people MegaTitan, cruelty BoneCrusher authority has made many people hate, the indignation that these actions did BoneCrusher the Titan's Guard 12 planet has gathered against the dark forces of the defense system BoneCrusher with the most advanced to resist the attacks and the criminals under five bared BlackBone planet planet MegaTitan destruction.
Players will act as the Titan Defender Guard wicked conspiracy against the dark forces of BoneCrusherm, Game opened a beautiful new space, you will clearly see the players are role the Titan Defender performance, against the forces of darkness, as you are likely to build Defender of "Tower Gun, power Machine ..." depending on the level of destruction as you upgrade your discretion, and mission you are leading "Building Towers" superior defense, most modern protect the planet from destruction.
To create favorable conditions for the destruction of the enemy, how to control the game is extremely simple: you just touch the screen to build the upgraded gun and kill the enemy faster .... You will also meet many factors difficult and exciting as barren tanks or Robot "Setting the Top of" quite buffalo blood so you need to build those weapons have high power rushing attack to destroy, screen easy beautiful view, not too troublesome as players.
一切看起來都會很有吸引力,您很快就會以巨大的銀河系吸引,幻想和豐富多彩,直到救出遊戲Tower Defense: Galaxy Field 。
Tower Defense: Galaxy Field是一款經典的塔防禦遊戲,在移動平台上具有美麗的圖形,即遊戲的深度。
如果您想玩戰術遊戲,頭腦風暴, Tower Defense: Galaxy Field可能是手機遊戲“建築塔”非常適合您。
- 20個屏幕吸引了許多不同的地形
- 防禦系統包括:防御者的6種武器,每種武器具有5個不同的破壞力。
- 敵方系統,包括:15個具有破壞力的機器人。
- 每個防守者都進行了20個戰鬥塔國防策略。
- 國防遊戲應每次和不同位置選擇合適的武器
- 防禦遊戲需要武器之間的協調,以最大程度地發揮力量。
- 國防遊戲還需要快速,準確,及時地升級武器。
- 嘗試不同的策略以找到最有效的遊戲風格。
如果您是Tower Defense Games的粉絲 - 戰術遊戲,那麼沒有理由忽略Tower Defense: Galaxy Field 。不懈的戰鬥機器人破壞性力量承諾甚至滿足最苛刻的遊戲玩家。
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